
Tesla Cybertruck price, rumored release date, interior, specs and latest news

Tesla Cybertruck price, rumored release appointment, interior, specs and latest news

Tesla Cybertruck
(Image credit: Tesla)

Tesla Cybertruck: Specs

Release Engagement: 2023 at the earliest
From $39,900
Ability: Quad-motor AWD
Battery range: 500+ miles
Towing capacity: fourteen,000+ pounds
0 to 60mph:
< 2.9 seconds
Autopilot, optional Total Self Driving option, Tesla premium connectivity

Tesla Cybertruck is, arguably, the most unique-looking vehicle to hit the road for decades. It seems similar whoever designed the car has a real vendetta against curves, and likes PS1-era graphics a picayune too much.

Still, Elon Musk'south personal pet project offers a lot more than than its bizarre athwart design. The Cybertruck is also prepare to offer all the things that makes a Tesla a Tesla. That includes minimalist pattern, some of the longest range on the market, and all the hullo-tech features you lot could inquire for.

  • The best electric cars you can buy now
  • Tesla Cybertruck vs. GMC Hummer EV: What'due south the difference?
  • Rivian R1T vs Tesla Cybertruck: Which electric truck is the one for you?

In other words, even when you forget about the blueprint, this could prove to be an electric car to watch. Then here's everything you need to know nigh the Tesla Cybertruck, which is equal parts bizarre and interesting.

Tesla Cybertruck latest news (updated January 27)

  • Elon Musk has confirmed that the Cybertruck volition not be launching this year, meaning it won't hit the streets until 2023 at the accented earliest.
  • New leaked photos evidence off the latest Cybertruck paradigm. While the overall design is much the aforementioned, in that location take been several important changes
  • A new report claims the Tesla Cybertruck could go far in two different sizes,  and will exist unveiled at a special event in March

Tesla Cybertruck launch window

Tesla Cybertruck rear bed has room for accessories

Tesla Cybertruck may have accessories that allow the rear bed to be used for all sorts of activities (Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck)

Tesla was originally set to begin production on the Cybertruck in belatedly 2022, merely later delayed that until quondam in late 2022. After rumors that the Cybertruck was being pushed back again, Elon Musk confirmed that Tesla would not be launching whatsoever cars in 2022. That mans the Cybertruck won't be arriving until 2023 at the earliest.

Initial delays were pinned on the supply chain issues, which have been affecting the automotive industry en masse. Elon Musk said Tesla couldn't build enough 4680 battery cells for the Cybertruck, while the steel frame was said to require a brand new casting machine to exist developed.

Meanwhile Tesla's has been open near its priorities, saying that it wouldn't begin Cybertruck production until the Texas Gigafactory had begun product on new Model Y. Sadly this has nevertheless to happen, and means the Cybertruck'southward status remains in limbo.

Meanwhile a new report claims that a smaller version of the truck may be unveiled in March, though information technology's unclear whether it will be whatever unlike to the original Cybertruck model.

Sadly nosotros only don't know when the Cybertruck will finally make it, and what the delays (and the revelation of a new quad-motor model) mean for the product schedule of the dual and unmarried motor models.

Tesla Cybertruck price

Tesla recently pulled a agglomeration of Cybertruck information from its website, including specifications and pricing. Withal, we notwithstanding know what Tesla used to say the truck would cost.

The single-motor Cybertruck, which is the final one expected to go into product is set to showtime at $39,990 — $5,000 cheaper than the cheapest Model 3. Meanwhile the dual motor model, complete with all-wheel bulldoze, was set to price $49,990.

The tri-motor Cybertruck, which was originally the flagship model, is set to clock in at $69,990. The newly-appear quad-motor variant'southward pricing is even so unknown, since information technology never appeared on the Tesla website.

All four models volition come with Bones Autopilot equally standard, only the Full Self Driving choice will be available for an additional fee. That package currently sells for $12,000, though we expect the Cybertruck will also exist eligible for the $199-a-calendar month FSD subscription.

Nonetheless, considering Full Self Driving Autopilot's cost has risen past $6,000 since July 2022, information technology's pretty likely that more than price  hikes are on the way. Elon Musk himself has said as much on more than one occasion.

The Cybertruck was also supposed to be coming to the U.K.. Nevertheless, Musk said that the truck is currently being built to U.S. specifications, since trying to arrive suitable for every country would exist impossible. U.K. pricing and launch details are still a complete unknown.

Tesla Cybertruck design

tesla cybertruck

(Image credit: Tesla)

No affair your opinion on Tesla, or its CEO, you tin can't deny that the Cybertruck has a striking uniqueness. Musk himself has even tweeted about how he believes this is why people find the truck so appealing.

There's a chip of hyperbole there, since the Cybertruck looks very much like a '90s vision of the futurity. Still he's not wrong that the truck looks dissimilar annihilation else the automotive industry is working on.

One important thing to remember about the Cybertruck, is that the pattern we've seen and so far isn't quite what will coil off the production line. Musk has confirmed that the truck will come up with side mirrors, something required past law in the United States and several other countries.

Yet, Musk has claimed that those mirrors are designed to be easy to remove. Laws on the legality of driving without side mirrors vary from country to state, so prospective Cybertruck buyers might desire to check up on that alee of time.

The Cybertruck has also been spotted with a gargantuan windshield wiper, with but a single blade for the entire front of the truck. Considering the windshield's size, it'due south surprising that Tesla is opting for a single blade during the testing phases. But Musk confirmed that this item scrap of design is not final.

In fact, more recent leaked photos offer a much closer look at this wiper. While still enormous, it appears that the wiper may be extendable, pregnant it can cover the full windshield wipe in one motility, without being overly cumbersome when it'south non in use.

Tesla Cybertruck

(Image credit: Tesla Cybertruck Owner'due south Order)

Being the cool not-conformist vehicle that it is, the Cybertruck will as well be taking a different stance on the materials it uses. Its key selling bespeak will exist the steel exoskeleton, which Tesla claims is made of 30x cold-rolled stainless steel — allegedly the hardest thing Tesla could observe.

Those leaked images also show off the truck without its wheel covers. While not equally aerodynamic, the bare wheels do look a lot nicer. Subsequently all the covers Tesla has previously shown off are pretty blocky and not then aesthetically appealing — no thing how much they may fit with the existing Cybertruck pattern.

Musk was bragging about that strength a lot when the Cybertruck was first announced, even showcasing how information technology fared against a sledgehammer and 9mm handgun rounds. However the glass wasn't quite and so stiff, and ended up smashing when striking with a metal ball.

matte_black_cybertruck_roadster_posted_by_former from r/teslamotors

Information technology's also worth noting that the truck appears to exist available in coloring other than the standard metallic argent. We know this tanks to a one-time SRE Aerodynamic Engineer posting a picture of himself at Tesla (via Reddit), with a matte black Cybertruck in the background.

Nevertheless Musk afterward clarified that the Cybertruck would only come up in one colour: "null". In other words, the unpainted argent of stainless steel.

Tesla Cybertruck interior

Tesla Cybertruck interior

(Image credit: Tesla)

We oasis't seen a huge amount of stuff on the inside of the Cybertruck. But early previews prove that the interior would exist sticking to the Tesla formula we've seen in other cars — specially the particularly-spacious Model X.

However, everything is a lot more angular, befitting a vehicle with equally many straight edges as the Cybertruck.

At that place'southward room for up to vi people, and the steering cycle is the aforementioned butterfly yoke design nosotros've seen in the latest Model S and Model X cars. The dash is as minimalist every bit any other Tesla, admitting with a marble-effect instead of something more traditional.

The infotainment screen takes center stage, naturally, and like the Model 3 and Model Y is looks similar this screen will be the but matter displaying whatsoever information.

Tesla Cybertruck battery and range

We know for a fact that Tesla is set up to include the new 4680 battery cells in the Cybertruck. Musk himself admitted that the truck's delay is, in part, caused by the automaker's inability to make enough cells cost-effectively.

The 4680 batteries are a marvel of applied science, with Tesla promising that the spiral design offers 16% more range and six times the power of its existing battery cells. The cells are too supposed to cost less to produce, and those savings tin be passed on in the final cost of the truck.

Considering that EVs are generally pretty expensive compared to gasoline-powered cars, this would exist a large win. Peculiarly if Tesla is serious nearly launching a $25,000 car adjacent twelvemonth.

Tesla Cybertruck range

tesla cybertruck

(Image credit: Tesla)

Like many cars, the range of the Cybertruck is going to vary based on the model yous stop up buying. Tesla previously confirmed that the single motor model will offering 250 miles of range — the bare minimum Elon Musk claims he will permit Tesla offering.

Meanwhile, upgrading to the dual motor model ups that range to 300 miles, which is a more than impressive-sounding figure. The tri-motor model is likewise expected to offer over 500 miles of range on a single charge, which is admittedly ludicrous.

Nonetheless, this effigy was announced earlier Musk cancelled the Model Southward Plaid, declaring that the car'south 500+ miles of estimated range was too much. So it'due south unclear what this ways for the Cybertruck.

Unfortunately the quad-motor model's range is a completely unknown, and since the extra motor requires more energy we're not entirely sure whether it volition be more or less than the tri-motor model is supposed to offer.

Tesla Cybertruck performance

Tesla Cybertruck rear bed and ramp

(Prototype credit: Tesla)

Co-ordinate to tesla the single-motor Cybertruck can go from zero to threescore miles per hr in under vi.5 seconds. That'southward pretty sluggish by Tesla standard, but this is a truck and their bulk typically stops whatsoever super-fast acceleration.

Though this makes performance of the college-finish models that bit more than impressive. The dual motor Cybertruck can make it to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds, while the tri-motor model can do information technology in ii.9 seconds. That's amazingly quick for such a big vehicle, and is probable to give another, less beefy electrical cars, a run for their coin.

Plus, being a truck, the Cybertruck will be able to tow vii,500 lbs with a single motor, 10,000 pounds with two, and 14,000 pounds on the tri-motor model.

We take no details for the quad-motor variant at all, though we expect that actress motor may exist put to use with additional acceleration and towing chapters.

Nevertheless, the Cybertruck is set to come with rear-wheel steering, similar to the GMC Hummer EV'southward 'crab way' and lets the Cybertruck drive diagonally to get out of tight spots. We await the wuad-mot0or model to excel at this, since each wheel will have its ain motor to provide momentum

Tesla Cybertruck outlook

Tesla Cybertruck

(Image credit: Tesla)

The Cybertruck has the potential to be a very big deal in the world of electric trucks, which is downwardly to the fact Tesla holds so much sway over the marketplace. While it's funky design may be off-putting to some, it'south the kind of things that is likely to entreatment to people who want to be able to stand out - whether they already drive a truck or not.

However, the abiding delays exercise not bode well for the Cybertruck'southward chances. The electric truck industry has already started heating upwardly, with the Rivian R1T and GMC Hummer EV already hitting the streets, and the Ford F-150 Lightning coming very presently.

One could argue that they don't have the same sway as Tesla, especially where range and applied science are concerned. But the longer people have to wait for the Tesla Cybertruck, the more time the contest has chance to shut the gap.

  • More: Tesla Model 3 review: Is Tesla'due south cheapest car the right choice?

Tom is the Tom'southward Guide's Automotive Editor, which means he can unremarkably be found knee deep in stats the latest and best electric cars, or checking out some sort of driving gadget. Information technology'due south long fashion from his days as editor of Gizmodo U.k., when pretty much everything was on the tabular array. He'south usually institute trying to squeeze another giant Lego set onto the shelf, draining very big cups of java, or complaining that Ikea won't permit him buy the stuff he actually needs online.


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